Hello to The Fixed Gear World.
As the frame building in the shop heats up, so is the internet buzz about the new bicycle frame WolfPack-S. What does the S stand for you ask? Well it is my first single speed/fixie frame built right here in house at Pedal Driven Cycles. Built out of pure 4130 cromoly steel, this frame will have you howling around town as you head to your favorite coffee shop or watering hole. Pop over to the WolfPack-S page for more details about the frame or stop by shop.pedaldrivencycles.com to grab one.
Also check out this little write up on http://www.thefixedgearworld.com/2015/02/sendusyourbike-first-frame-from-pedal.htmlHowling over to my local pizza shop.WolfPack-S is ready